Regal Rose Splendor Bridal Bouquet
Elevate your wedding day with the stunning Regal Rose Splendor Bridal Bouquet.
This classic and timeless arrangement is crafted with all roses in a beautiful combination of pink, peach, white and red, with minimal foliage to let the beauty of the blooms shine through.
The elegant design of this bouquet makes it a perfect choice for brides seeking a traditional yet striking look for their special day.
Each rose is carefully selected and arranged to create a breathtaking display that will complement any bridal ensemble.
The Regal Rose Splendor Bridal Bouquet is a truly exquisite choice for adding a touch of romance and sophistication to your wedding day.
Our flowers vary daily due to seasons and inspiration, and so will your bouquet. What you receive will be different from the pictures that we show, as every flower, even in the same tone or colours, have their unique shades and tones. All pictures are only for colour references and style.