Timeless Neutrals Bouquet
Introducing our Timeless Neutrals Bouquet, a stunning arrangement crafted with a neutral shade of dried and preserved blooms that will never go out of style.
This bouquet features a beautiful combination of preserved flowers and dried blooms, carefully selected to create a sophisticated and elegant display.
Perfect for any occasion, this timeless bouquet is great as a keepsake gift, allowing your loved ones to enjoy its beauty for months to come. Whether for a birthday, anniversary, or just because, the Timeless Neutrals Bouquet is the perfect choice to show someone how much they mean to you.
Order now and bring a touch of timeless beauty into your or your loved one's home.
Our flowers vary daily due to seasons and inspiration, and so will your bouquet. What you receive will be different from the pictures that we show, as every flower, even in the same tone or colours, have their unique shades and tones. All pictures are only for colour references and style.
Care & Maintenance
1. Do not water your preserved flowers. Preserved flowers are real flowers that have undergone a special process to remove their moisture and that will preserve its shape and colour. Therefore, they are unalive and do not need to be watered.
2. Keep them away from direct sunlight and heat . Preserved flowers should not be exposed to the sun for prolonged periods, as exposure to these elements may cause the colours of the preserved flowers to fade or change over time.
3. Keep them out of humid places or environments as it may make them more prone to mould and bacteria growth. Using silica gel packets can help absorb and retain water vapour which can prevent moulding and damage overtime.
4. Avoid pressing, bending or spraying any form of liquid on the preserved flowers or stems. They are delicate and can be damaged easily. Spraying any form of liquid can also ruin their preservation and cause them to rot.
5. If you would like to clean your preserved flowers, do gently dust them with a soft brush.
6. Preserved flowers can last up to several months or years if propelrly cared for. However, due to natural elements, preserved flowers will eventually deteriorate, so do enjoy them while they look great and vibrant!