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The Rosy Glow Bridal Bouquet is a stunning arrangement of pink and red roses, delicately complemented by the fluffy white baby's breath.


This bouquet exudes romance and elegance, making it the perfect choice for any bride looking for a timeless and classic look on her special day.


The combination of vibrant roses and delicate baby's breath creates a harmonious and beautiful aesthetic, making this bouquet an ideal choice for a bride who wants to add a touch of romance to her wedding ensemble.


The Rosy Glow Bridal Bouquet will not only add a pop of color to your wedding day but will also create a mesmerizing and unforgettable look as you walk down the aisle.


With its romantic mix of flowers, this bouquet is sure to be a stunning addition to any bridal ensemble.


Our flowers varies daily due to seasons and inspiration, and so will your bouquet. What you receive will be different from the pictures that we show, as every flower, even in the same tone or colours, have their unique shades and tones. All pictures are only for colour references and style. 

Rosy Glow Bridal Bouquet

  • Each bridal bouquet includes a complimentary matching groom's corsage, specially designed by our florist.

    **Please note that customization is not available for the complimentary corsage.

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