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Layla is a beautiful sunflower bouquet, perfect for celebrating graduations and other special occasions. Vibrant and cheerful, this bouquet is sure to bring a smile to their face. The cheerful yellows of the sunflowers are the perfect addition to any room, and the long-lasting blooms will bring joy for days. Layla is a great way to show your love and appreciation for your special someone.


Small - 1 Sunflower 

Medium - 3 Sunflowers
Large - 6 Sunflowers


Our flowers varies daily due to seasons and inspiration, and so will your bouquet. What you receive will be different from the pictures that we show, as every flower, even in the same tone or colours, have their unique shades and tones. All pictures are only for colour references and style. 

Wrapper Choice
  • Care & Maintanence

    1. Place your flower arrangements in the best location. Keeping them in the right place can directly impact the life of the flowers. Place your fresh flowers in shaded and cool areas, away from direct sunlight and heat will help preserved their freshness. Remember, cooler is better with the expection of tropical blooms which prefers heat and humidity.

    2. If you would like to transfer your wrapped bouquets into a vase, do unwrap them gently and with care.

    3. Fresh and clean water helps keeps your flowers alive longer. Do trim at least half inch of stem off your flowers before you arrange them in a vase and each time you change the water. Replace the water in your vase daily. If you have dying foliage, be sure to remove it as it may contaminate the healthy flowers.

    4. Avoid placing your flowers beside ripening fruit or vegetables as they give off ethylene gas which causes flowers to deteriorate.

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