Ethereal Elegance: Peonies & Roses Harmony
The Ethereal Elegance: Peonies & Roses Harmony bouquet is a stunning arrangement crafted with white peonies and white roses as the main focal flowers, creating an air of timeless elegance and beauty.
The addition of turquoise coloured flower fillers adds a pop of color and completes the look, making it a truly eye-catching and unique bouquet.
This exquisite arrangement is perfect for expressing your thoughts and feelings of love, admiration, and appreciation for someone special in your life.
Whether it's for a romantic gesture or a thoughtful gift for a friend or family member, the Ethereal Elegance: Peonies & Roses Harmony bouquet is sure to make a lasting impression.
Order this stunning bouquet today and bring a touch of ethereal beauty and elegance to any occasion.
Medium - 4-5 stalks of peonies
Large - 7-8 stalks of peonies
Peonies are seasonal flowers, so do check with us on its availabilty before sending in your order :)
Care & Maintenance
1. Place your flower arrangements in the best location. Keeping them in the right place can directly impact the life of the flowers. Place your fresh flowers in shaded and cool areas, away from direct sunlight and heat will help preserved their freshness. Remember, cooler is better with the expection of tropical blooms which prefers heat and humidity.
2. If you would like to transfer your wrapped bouquets into a vase, do unwrap them gently and with care.
3. Fresh and clean water helps keeps your flowers alive longer. Do trim at least half inch of stem off your flowers before you arrange them in a vase and each time you change the water. Replace the water in your vase daily. If you have dying foliage, be sure to remove it as it may contaminate the healthy flowers.
4. Avoid placing your flowers beside ripening fruit or vegetables as they give off ethylene gas which causes flowers to deteriorate.